Hey, Baseball Screen: Look at Me, Look at Me, Look at Me

Family at baseball game.Look at Me, Look at Me, Look at Me.

Earlier this week, my family and I went to the Yankees game. It was our first time at ‘new’ Yankee stadium. For SJ the game was more momentous: it was SJ’s first professional baseball game. He was more interested in getting a hot dog than the actual baseball game.

BR, Ms. MMK and I were more interested in the actual game.

We wanted to see Derek Jeter one last time. The certain Hall of Famer is retiring this year. I wanted BR, a baseball fanatic, to be able to say he saw the great Yankee, Derek Jeter, play.

Derek Jeter at the plate.

Derek Jeter at the plate.

We wanted to do something as a family. Soon, the school year will start and schedules get hectic. It’s generally Sunday or bust.

Between and during the middle of innings, fans’ attention at the baseball game was called to the big screen that sits high above center field. Such a screen was once a novelty. Simply having the screen was cool, and it was not perpetually on. Well, times have changed. One must be constantly entertained during their stadium experience.

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Six Reasons Why I Still Don’t Belong in the Suburbs

SuburbsIt was seven years ago this summer that my family and I moved to the suburbs. We left the city for the typical reasons. My wife and I decided we needed more space. We thought the boys should have a backyard.  And we had no intention of drinking past 10.

In many ways, we’ve adapted very nicely to the suburbs. The boys play in the backyard. My wife loves planting and killing flowers. I’m happy to have a driveway.

Yes, despite my casual complaints and periodic yearnings for the city, I think moving to the suburbs has worked out for my family and I.  I’d even say we’ve adapted nicely. We appreciate the hum of crickets, bunnies running around freely, and the thrill of the UPS delivery.

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I Choose My Family

Family at the Magic Kingdom

My family and I at the Magic Kingdom

I consider myself a good son. Despite living two hours away, I see my mother monthly. I talk to her a couple of times a week. When I do see or talk to my mother, I am polite, respectful, etc. Therefore, my actions this weekend should be no surprise.

We had arranged for my mother to come for a visit this past weekend. My family and I had not seen her in a few weeks. The boys really enjoy seeing their bubbe (Yiddish for grandmother), and I want to foster that relationship.

When my mother comes for a visit, she, Ms. MMK, and I often watch a movie together. We eat snacks – popcorn or ice cream – and relax after the children have gone to bed. As part of my preparation for my mother’s most recent visit, I checked out my queue on Netflix. I skimmed through the titles trying to pick a movie which I thought would appeal to my mother. After consulting with Ms. MMK, I moved August Osage County to the top of the queue.

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