Today, I have guest post from Betsy of Parenting is Funny (parentingisfunny). I’ve been following Betsy’s blog for a while now. The posts always make me smile as they focus on short funny scenes that any parent can relate to.
Betsy has three beautiful and inadvertently entertaining daughters, now aged eight, five, and three. Unable to keep their antics, and those of her friends’ children, to herself, she began the parentingisfunny blog almost two years ago. In addition to poorly keeping up with her blog, Betsy homeschools her two oldest children and works part-time from home writing weekly e-newsletters and managing a blog for a non-profit organization. Having always wanted to be a book editor when she grew up, Betsy is currently contented starting novels and children’s stories that may or may not ever get finished. She also has a book titled “101 Tips for a Happier Marriage” due out at the end of October.

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“No, you cannot open a new box of cereal until you finish some of the plethora of nearly finished cereal boxes we already have,” I told my six and four-year-old girls. They agreed and began eating some of the old cereal without complaint. So, I walked away to get some work done.
After a while I noticed that it had gotten rather quiet in the kitchen. Too quiet.
When I went in to investigate, the girls were still eating their cereal, as quickly as they could, but the oldest had also made additions to her baby sister’s food. The 19-month-old’s high chair tray was littered with three different types of cereal, as was her lap, her hair, and the floor all around her.
Apparently trying to enlist the baby’s help, my oldest daughter had poured a small mound of different cereals in front of her. The plan was effective only in that I had to sweep most of it off the floor, and when I lifted the baby from her high chair, a deluge of Rice Krispies rained down once more.
I made the oldest help clean up. And no, the new box of cereal was not opened.
P.S. Go to Betsy’s web site to check out a guest post I did for her. I promise you will laugh.