It’s been over two years since I was teaching full time at a high school in Brooklyn. While it seems like much more than that in many ways, I still vividly recall the peaceful feeling during week long breaks. Seriously, ahhhhh.
While those days are long gone for me, week long breaks still happen for my children. And this past week was one such week. They are serious about the presidents in our town here in North Jersey.
One of the great things about the week off is the ease it brings the boys. There’s no pressure of homework, rushing off to school, or getting to bed at a particular hour.
My children, like most kids their age, are thrilled to have the week off from school. At this point, they need little dad entertainment time. Both are happy to waste a day away on their electronics – whether its Youtube, Sporcle (BR is constantly doing baseball quizzes), etc. That and some hangouts (they don’t call them playdates anymore – too mature for that. Duhhh!) and they are content.