“You didn’t get me any presents yet?”
“Well I…”
“Black Friday passed.”
“I know, but…”
“Channukah’s like 10 days away.”
“I know.”
“I got all of your presents. I have all the children’s presents. And you haven’t gotten me one present yet?”
Yes, Ms. MMK was pissed. A little scary too, I must admit.
But, I get it. She likes getting presents. And so do I. In fact, we exchange presents on our anniversary and mother’s/father’s day and birthdays. I know, I know, many married couples don’t bother. What’s the point they whine. It all comes from the same pocket of money. “I can get myself a present,” they reason.
Sure, there is a certain degree of truth to this. After all, we adults have access to money (hopefully) and can buy for ourselves.
But I beg to differ. I think receiving and giving presents is important and valuable.
Oh and don’t start telling me you don’t like getting presents. Everyone does – at least on some level. So, why do you like receiving presents?
Let me guess. It’s nice to know that someone took the time to think about what you would like and then got it for you. Giving takes effort and sensitivity and is a way for a person to show that they care about another person and want to make the other person happy.
One of the great present givers – at least in the fiction world is Charlie from Stephen Chbosky’s Perks of Being a Wallfower. If you had to describe Charlie in one word it would be sensitive.
And sensitivity is the key ingredient when it comes to being a good present giver. After all you have to know someone in order to give them a present that they will truly enjoy. You have to pay attention to what they say and do in order to get them a present that suits them.
If you’re a parent and you’re like my wife and I, much of your energy goes towards your children. Needy little stinkers. Beyond the occasional date night, it’s easy to forget about or at least not focus on your spouse. Marriages can drift because spouses are so focused on the children and forget about each other.
In a Psychology Today article, Dr. Ellen Langer said, “…the more we give, the more we come to care about the person to whom we are giving. We feel alive in the activity. And it is the receiver who has provided the opportunity for us to feel this good, so we feel loving in return.”
So, giving a present not only makes the receiver feel good but also the giver. By the way, I’d like to note here I’m not being paid to write this article by any particular retailer. I might have missed out on a opportunity here. Hmmm.
Anyway, my wife and I set a budget. The goal is not to go broke or outdo each other. We alternate nights with each of us receiving four presents. Now, my wife is a tough one to buy presents for. She’s the type to go out and get something (actually, she’ll order it on line) when she wants it rather than wait. In terms of the presents, she does want – well, half the time she emails me a list of things she wants. She still insists I wrap it up. I used to think this was silly and still do to some degree. However, wrapping the present adds an element – again care and time. Besides filling her list, I always get at least one present that is not on her list. A real rebel I am, I know. Anyway, it’s always my favorite present to give her. I actually get nervous beforehand because of how much I want her to like it.
There are legitimate and practical arguments against giving presents. Some of us are more challenged financially than others. However, the amount of money spent on a present is not what matters. Like Dr. Langer said above it’s about giving. Plus a present does not have to be something purchased at a store – creative people can find ways.
The last argument against presents is clutter. You know me and clutter. Yet a present does not have to be big and may be the type that is consumed or used once and is gone. Also, new stuff could inspire you to get rid of old stuff you don’t use much but would benefit those less fortunate.
So, I say give a present to your spouse. I say receive a present. It’s good for your marriage. “Attending to someone else’s needs leads to affection for that person,” says Dr. Langer.
Now, where’s the wrapping paper?
I think that’s great that you give her presents. That’s a great tradition.
Thanks. It is a fun tradition too.
That is a smart way to give a little more to your relationship, necessary and smart.
Thanks. I agree.
I’m in the same boat as you. Haven’t got the hubs’ presents yet. But I’ll be baking all weekend (I’m so behind!), so that’s a gift for him in and of itself. He’d be the first to say that!
But I agree, it’s not the gift; it’s the fact we’re thinking of them and we take the time to find something they’d like and wrap it up nicely. My husband is awesome, and he deserves that and so much more. 🙂
Food is a good thing! I’m with him.
Thanks for commenting and enjoy the holiday.
You know… I understand why the Missus was angry. Totally!! She’s right… show her your affection by giving her something meaningful and beautiful. And keep this tradition.
I was really pissed about my boyfriend last year… I thought he had forgotten my birthday – or didn’t bother…
I told him: “everyone gets something for Christmas” – it’s a wonderful holiday with presents – but my birthday is MINE – MY holiday – and that’s why I expect to be showered in presents. (Uhm… well… one will be enough – but you get the picture)… showing each other how much we mean to each other is important…
Oh, you have one of those b-days that is in December and gets combined? Bummer! I get the picture I hope your b.f. did too.
I sure hope that by the time you wrote this you actually do have a stash of presents!
I have a few and am still waiting on one more.
Seriously, you better get in some good gift giving this year. Your wife deserves it, especially considering how gracious she is allowing you to discuss her so often in your essays.
Women sticking together. Okay, I hear you.
Eric and I give each other a mutual present– we go away for our anniversary each year and leave the kids with a grandma. Bliss!
Fun, fun, fun!!