We all go through phases or trends. I’m sure some of us look at pictures and wonder “What the hell was I thinking?” as they examine their clothes, hairstyles, or girl/boy friends. We all have gone through “my parents are dumb” phases, “love is all you need” phase, “I can really make it as a clown” phase (or something like that). Anyway, the question that is on my mind is when does a phase or trend become a habit?
Exercise. Hearing that word for some brings a smile and thoughts of invigoration, firm figures, and endorphins clicking. Then, there are the rest of us. I think of a Doctor in his/her white coat – maybe a finger wagging – and telling the patient “Now, remember Mr./Mrs. Normal, you have to exercise. I know we talked about this last year. You have to exercise at least 20 minutes a day five times a week or you will get further out of shape, contract a horrific disease, and die young. Any questions? Have a nice day and see the receptionist on the way out.” Mr./Mrs. Normal exits, determined to change, and wondering about their life insurance.
In terms of exercise, well, I always take the steps and walk to and from the train or bus. I love to play basketball when I get a chance. I’ve always reasoned to myself that that was enough. After all, I am pretty good shape and my weight is good. Then there is my wife and kids – no they are not truly related. While family responsibilities keep me busy, in this case, it’s just an excuse. No more! I am proud to say I have made some changes. Since just before New Year’s, I have been working out – really. My 25-minute workout includes the stationary bike, sit-ups, stretches, and curls. While I am still 5 1/4 short of a 6 pack, I feel good. No, not like one of those commercial testimonials that come on during the middle of the day. I feel stronger and a sense of accomplishment.
Have I made the workout a habit? I don’t know. I also don’t know what the doctor will say at the end of my visit. I’m curious. The more motivation the better.
“5 1/4 short of a 6 pack???” I nearly shot green tea out of my nose!
Cool. I laughed reading that.
Good for you! It’s so hard to stay on track sometimes! I ran a marathon in Jan, and even though I was in the best shape I’ve ever been in, I sorta fell apart afterwards. So now I’m trying to get back in shape! It’s tough, so kudos for you–keep up the good work!
Thanks. Don’t jinx it. Good luck getting back on track (pun intended).
I heard a guy on NPR who said that those before and after pictures they take of people who have supposedly dieted and gotten fabulous results are taken backwards – that is, they find someone who’s in great shape then pay them $10,000 to put on weight and stop exercising!
Are you serious? I’m not sure if that is funny or pathetic.
Pretty sad I think. Here’s the link to the story:
Good for you! 5 1/4 short of a 6 pack…haha! I have never been able to figure out how to make exercise a habit. In fact, the only thing that gets me to the gym on a regular basis is the promise of a break from the constant noise and sensory assault at home. 😉
Whatever works – right? The little buggers can come in handy some times.
Congratulations! I don’t work out, but I do jog two or three times a week. It all started out in 2009 when I started having problems with my knees. The doctor gave me two choices, an operation or lose weight. I decided to lose weight, and I changed my diet, and returned to jogging. My knees didn’t stop hurting overnight, but now I am pain free, about forty pounds lighter and I feel good. And yes, I am still jogging.
So keep it up.
Jogging is working out. Three years is a long time in the world of exercise. Good for you and great results. Stay healthy!
“5 1/4 short of a 6 pack” Hysterical. I always feel better when I go to the gym. I’ve taken some time off because I’m obsessed with finishing my book so now I have to re-establish the habit.
I do like it – the feeling of exercising – robust, vigorous, healthy. It’s psyching myself up to exercise which is the challenge for me.
Ditto. 🙂