Well, have you? This writer is waiting for that hug.
Actually, Cort Ruddy of ruddybits.com suggested the hugging. However, I like the advice as well. No surprise since I’m a huge fan of Cort’s writing. And I think you’ll like it to.
A little background: Cort is a writer, husband and father of four, living in upstate New York. When not busy working from home as a Public Relations consultant, he can be found driving kids to various activities, teaching at Syracuse University, and, of course, writing yet-to-be published books and for his blog, ruddybits.com.
Here’s Cort.
Have You Hugged a Writer Today?
Being a writer can really suck. Yet it’s also one of the most soul-cleansing, cathartic and gratifying things a person can do.
I’m a writer, and I love it. But sometimes I hate it.
I think I need to explain.