Everyone Needs Help

Oren Miller, A Father and a Blogger

Oren Miller, A Father and a Blogger

When I was younger, so much younger than today
I never needed anybody’s help in any way
But now these days are gone I’m not so self-assured
Now I find I’ve changed my life and opened up the doors
Beatles – Help

I’m sure you have many traits you want children your children to exhibit as they grow into adults. One trait I want my children to exhibit is the ability to ask for help.

It shouldn’t be hard to ask for help. But it is. Really.

Think about how many times you have answered no to the question, “Do you need any help?” when in reality you did need assistance.

And why did you say, “No thanks?” Maybe, you were too proud, too shy or simply did not want to be viewed as weak or needy.

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I Need Your Help To Watch Television


Television confusion!

Recently, my family and I were visiting my mother for the weekend. Other family members came over to visit and to chat. It was all very pleasant. During one such conversation that included my cousins, BR and HR, I was a non-participant. It wasn’t by choice. I didn’t want to be muted, silenced.  Unfortunately, I was like an actor without any lines – I simply had nothing to say.

The topic of the conversation: television.

As I’ve mentioned before I am a regular, well semi regular, watcher of Modern Family. I also watch sports – other than the World Cup. I don’t care about the World Cup.  I also watch news programs.  However, in reality, I am a consistent watcher of nothing.

Anyway, as my cousins and others were going on about shows they liked and watched regularly, I sat there dumbly smiling and nodding occasionally trying to be social (that in and of itself can be a challenge for me). Terms were going back and forth which I had never heard. BR said she could watch HGTV all day. Huh?

television channel

What channel is that?

During the conversation, my cousin, BR, turned to me and casually said, “You really need to watch some television. I know you’re busy. We’re all busy. Just find some time to sit down and watch television.”  I muttered meekly, still smiling though, “Well, uh okay.”  What was I to say?

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