Cleaning for the Cleaning Lady

Cleaning for the Cleaning LadyI’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m a neat freak. Being in a clean place makes me happier and more comfortable. What’s wrong with that? Well, I’m sure a few weeks or even months, a comfortable chair, and a highly trained therapist could help me understand why I ‘need’ things to be clean. Well, I don’t need things to be clean, but I certainly do prefer it. And for that reason, I’m glad we have a cleaning lady.

Our cleaning lady, E, comes every two weeks. Based on what I said above, you can guess our house is not especially messy, as we (Mrs. MMK also prefers a clean house) keep it up. So, you would think it be simple when E comes. She would take a relatively clean house (it’s only relatively clean because of the kids. Yup, I’m blaming them) and get to those harder to reach places, etc. and make it even cleaner.

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