I don’t believe in bad luck. I am a strong believer in fate. I believe everything from the big things – births, jobs, marriages — to the little things – the wind blowing, the amount of the electric bill, hair color — is meant to be. This belief stems from my belief in an all-encompassing G-d who is involved and does things for a reason that is ultimately good. Despite that, there are times and events that can’t help but leave me wondering why, what is going on, where is the good?
A week and a half ago a good friend of mine told me that his 11-year-old daughter has a brain tumor. This girl has an amazing spirit. She is a positive, sensitive, caring, and spiritual child who has not let any of the challenges she faced slow her down. Now, she and her family are faced with this incredible mountain.
A little boy who resides in my community recently underwent an umbilical cord blood stem cell transplant. His parents have been trying to find a stell cell match for some time. Unfortunately, a direct match was never found. So, now they find themselves trying this risky surgery and facing a long recovery (we can only hope and pray) process.
This afternoon, a friend of mine emailed and told me she is losing her job as of August 31st. The funding was cut and her position is being terminated. She is both scared and worried. With the economy as it is, this is certainly understandable.
Lastly, a friend of mine emailed me to let me know her oldest sister, just 49, passed away last week. She was suffering greatly from cirrhosis. The pain from the disease and other difficulties she was facing in her life became too much for her to bear. She chose her own way out.
The 11 year old has come through the first phase of her recovery well and the doctors are optimistic. The three year old continues to battle, and he has had some good days. My friend who was laid off is giving herself a day to mope and then vows to network like crazy (she is definitely the type). My other friend and her family take some comfort that their sister/daughter is no longer suffering.
As for me, I still believe in G-d. In fact, I am using these events and others to inspire me to pray more. I pray for recovery, comfort, understanding, and for that which only G-d knows my friends and others need. I pray to see the good and appreciate that in reality everything is just that.
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Thanks for mentioning Anny in your blog. We learn so much from her everyday. This morning she actually said to me that G-d blessed her by being legally blind, she could of otherwise been totally blind.
There is no need to thank me. I hope you continue to learn from and with her for many years to come.
P.S. Feel free to forward or share the post.
good article – thanks
No need for thanks. I appreciate you finding time to read it when you are so busy with and have so much on your mind.
There is so much that we can’t see from our limited perspectives, but I too believe that our Father sees all and is still in control. Thank you for sharing! I will be praying for your little friends, and your big friends, too!
I agree about the limited perspective. Thanks for keeping my friends in mind.
Thanks also for taking time to reply.
It’s very hard to see the good sometimes surrounded by so many unfair circumstances. The silver lining feels very far away at times. I’m not sure I believe that everything is pre-destined, but I believe that every situation can grow us and lead us towards the hopes we have.
It definitely is hard sometimes. I like the thought that every situation leads us towards our hopes. Thanks for sharing.
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Thank you for nominating. me. I will check out the rules.
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