“Feel my head.”
“Just feel my head.”
“You’re cool.”
“Well, of course I am. But do you think I have temperature?”
“No.” Not even a smile or a ha ha.
It has been a long week! My older son, BR, ran a high fever on Sunday, threw up, and – well, that’s enough. You get the point. Though he returned to school on Wednesday, he has been a bit lackluster all week. While it is nice to have him off his normal hyped up pace, I prefer it not be due to sickness. In addition, my wife has been dealing with a cold. Thankfully, SJ has been fine.
And then there’s me.
I’ve been si…
I’ve been si…
I can’t say it. No, make that, I won’t say it. I am not a good patient, as you probably realized from an earlier post (https://larrydbernstein.com/feeling-better/). However, I am even worse when it comes to admitting that I am – don’t make me say it. There’s that word again. Sick.
Growing up, “Family Ties” was one of my favorite television shows. I recall an episode where Steven – the father, played by Michael Gross – refuses to admit that he is, you know. He says you can’t give in to it and he refuses to make his body a home for germs. I am with him on this. By the way, I have searched for and watched the episode as part of my research for this post. The things I must go through.

Family Ties Cast
Now, if I could just have temperature. Even 99.0, well then, I could say it, admit it. Instead, I have a nasty cough, chest pain, and runny nose. But I am not si… No, no, no. I am not feeling great. I’m a little under the weather. I could be better.
So, this week, I made it to work all five days. I stood in front of my students, taught lessons, and graded papers. Some days, I was more effective than others. Anyway, I am glad the weekend is here. I need to rest. I hate being sick.
I love the “make my body a home for germs” comment. That’s a good way of looking at it.
Yes, we must fight to keep our bodies germ free.
Thanks for sharing this, Larry. It was fun to read!
I am glad you enjoyed it.
You know….I realize I’m in Texas, but it took me a moment to figure out your post title. I kept reading it as “si”…..which in Texas, with all of the Hispanic population we have, means “Yes”. So I kept reading your title as “I’m Not Yes”.
Very confusing….but makes sense now.
For what it’s worth – I hate being si….too.
Funny you say that because I did think of it when I wrote the title.
Why are we such bad patients?
LOL, at first I thought this was a blog that related to Duck Dynasty and Uncle Si. It took me a bit for my brain to shift out of that paradigm. I hope you get to feeling better… and soon! Oh, and I like the line – “well of course I am, but do I have a temperature?” That is something that Mr. T would totally hit me with! Hey – you’re like a 14 year old boy! I’m kinda not surprised by that. I’ve found most men are… 🙂 Okay, seriously, get well!
What’s Duck Dynasty and Uncle Si.
I take the 14 year old boy comment as a compliment. It’s a gift you know.
You need to watch A&E some… Or the Outdoor channel. Duck Dynasty is one of the funniest shows there is! I hope you get to feeling better! It sucks to be under the weather 🙁
Tell me about the show.
Ahh, I’m getting there.
So, you know Terry Bradshaw. Well, in college he was the second string QB behind Phil, who left football because it wasn’t his passion. His passion was hunting and he started making duck calls and he did well enough to indulge his passion. Then his son Willie came along and turns his dads business into a multi-million dollar company. It’s a reality show that follows this family of rednecks and you have Willie running the company and trying to keep his family members working when all they want to be doing is hunting. Now, it doesn’t sound exciting, but let me tell you, it’s hysterical. The brothers and uncle Si go to Willies county club and Willie wants to show it off. The brothers notice the frogs and sneak back after dark to catch the frogs. They get caught trespassing and chase ensues. Willie has to come bail them out of country club jail but dad Phil got away and later, they feast on frog legs. Yeah, I’ll send you a link. 🙂
What the hell? Are you sure you have not lost it Kate?
I have not lost it! this show is hysterical! even those that didn’t want to like it, ended up liking it!
I watched that clip and laughed. First off, why can’t anyone get a haircut and shave a beard. I am not sure if I am that pompous but they seem like they escaped the trailer park. Watching them fall off the surfboard was amusing.
What commitment you show, researching and watching that Family Ties episode for the writing of this. (That was such a great show. And wasn’t it at the end of that show that the “Sit Ubu Sit. Good dog.” phrase came from? I don’t know why, but that phrase has stuck in my head for all these years.) You show such dedication! 🙂
Sorry to hear you have been, well, can I say under the weather or does that cut too close to the truth? Hope you and your family are back to your normal selves soon.
I appreciate your recognition of my efforts.
And yes, that phrase was from that show.
Under the weather – acceptable.
Be well, Larry! Making it to work all week is admirable. I hope you get some rest.
Thanks. I appreciate that.
Hope you feel better, should I say that as you’re not really si.. 🙂
I loved Family Ties as well, although we mainly watched it because my sister had a huge crush on Michael J Fox 🙂
I always take well wishes.
I didn’t have a crush on him but I did think he was really funny.
I hope you are better Larry and not “si..”! 🙂 I loved watching Family Ties too! 🙂 I’m sure researching must have been very difficult ! ha!ha! 😉 Hope you are getting a lot of rest this weekend!
Yes, the research was rough and rigorous. I am still not 100% – something weird going on here.
sorry to hear that you are not 100% yet! hope today you will get more rest (no food shopping for you this Sunday I hope!) and that tomorrow you will be better 🙂
I hope you feel better soon – there’s nothing more annoying than a cold/cough/no fever/never ending ickiness. I haven’t thought of ‘Family Ties’ in a long time!
Definitely annoying.
I hope the recall of Family Ties was a good one.
I hope you feel better this week! How many more weeks till school is out for you?
You think I am counting.
Well, if you must know 29 days left with the students. Give or take none.
You and my mother have about the same countdown, but she is just waiting for retirement in general. No students involved in her daily life.
29 days! 29 days! You can do it; you can do it!
I know I can. I know I know I can, said the little train.
I hope the weekend found you relaxing and not getting any more si….! I don’t remember that episode of Family Ties but I was an avid watcher. Apparently I paid more attention to the Cosby Show because I have every episode mentally filed in my brain and can bring it up and discuss at a moments notice!
Wow, so I Cosby Show is one of your Jeopardy sections. I liked it also and the first few seasons in particulary were good.
Well, thankfullly, I am feeling better.
Hope everyone feels better soon. And keep their germs to themselves 😉
Thanks. I think we are on the mend.
I would appreciate if you would email me when you have a chance (lardavbern@att.net). Thanks.
Refusing to make your body a home for germs – love it! Any post that quotes Family Ties is a keeper! I hope you’re feeling better and got a big dose of rest over the weekend. You and my husband are so similar – he also refuses to succumb to any sickness (or at least admit it). Sleep well!
As usual, he sounds like a good man.
Thankfully, I am feeling better.
You have a favorite episode?
Hope you feel better soon! Family Ties was one of my favorites too.
I need to watch those reruns more often.
I do fell better – thanks for the well wishes and the comment.
I hope you’re feeling better now. Being sick sucks. My house has been inundated with a bug for a couple of weeks now. Ugh. Bring on the Spring so we can open the windows and air the house out! Here’s to feeling better!
I am happy Spring does seem to have sprung here. Last week was not pretty in our house.
I hope you’re feeling better now!
I finally am. Thanks.