I found that just surviving was a noble fight.
— Billy Joel, Angry Young Man
Someone posted in a Facebook group that I’m in that he used to have huge dreams and actually believe he could fulfill them. Lately, he’s struggling to get into this mind frame and feels like he’s in a big depressive funk.
I can’t speak to the depression part – that may be a serious issue as it certainly can be. It’s the huge dreams aspect that’s on my mind.
Now, there are dreamers in this world who actually fulfill their dreams and do incredible things. Some of those people may be brilliant, some may seem to have luck, but all of them display a laser focus that allows them to plow through towards their goal.
Some of those fulfilled dreams benefit society and make the world a better place. Congratulations. Kudos to you. Thanks for what you do for society.
At this point in my life, I don’t have huge dreams.
And I’m perfectly okay with that. At one point in my life, I might have found that thought depressing. What do you mean you don’t have huge dreams? Isn’t that what life is about?
I’m not so sure it is.
There’s honor and dignity in striving to do the best you can each day – even if what you do is not earth shattering. If you can be extraordinary in your ‘ordinary’ life – whatever that means to you – then you have every reason to feel as proud and accomplished as someone who did something ‘huge.’
Life is full of ups and downs, highs and lows. If you can plow through and maintain a positive attitude and do the best you can do, that’s a good life.
Sure, it’s not glamorous and definitely not huge but…
Let me stop using the general you and speak about myself.
At this point in my life, I don’t have huge dreams. I don’t dream of making the majors, or earning a billion dollars, or even of becoming Batman. I do, by the way, like the show Gotham. It’s entertaining. I’m glad I find time to watch it.
When I go to bed each night knowing that I did my best, I sleep well. Now, of course, this does not always happen. There’s frustration, disappointment, and even disgust. But that’s not because I haven’t accomplished something huge.
I want to learn each day. Grow each day. Make a difference each day.
I want to be the best I can be. And if that’s not huge, okay.
I don’t care.
Some might say that’s the path to mediocrity. I disagree. But I’m not going to argue (much) because I don’t care. I neither seek the approval of nor worry myself about the disapproval of others.
Contentment is what I seek. That does not mean I don’t have aspirations and am not striving to grow. Always am!!
I’m striving to be a good husband and father, to try and make my business grow, to help students learn. And so much more.
It’s certainly not glamorous and won’t drive news cameras to come to my house to photograph me and beg for an interview.
So, I don’t have huge dreams. But If I do the best I can do and fulfill my potential, well that’s huge.
You’re making the lives of kids better, yours and others, and that seems pretty big to me! And, I think every day life can be living the dream, too!
I don’t have big dreams, I love my little life – but last year being able to volunteer for the Project Graduation at our high school, that was a big dream, I had massive goals associated with that – and pulled it off – but still just considered it my life and what I do! 😀
so, enjoy your life, that matters so much more!
I wrote and rewrote that post a bunch of times. I’m not sure which version you saw. I want to be clear on what I am trying to convey.
I think we are on the same page here. From the Facebook pics, it looks like the graduation stuff was a smashing success. There were smiles on the faces of the graduates and on your face.
I agree with everything you said here. So many people seem to always be searching for things that they will never find. I think contentment is a very important part of finding your own happiness and shouldn’t be confused with laziness or lack of ambition. Doing the best you can with what’s in front of you is an important lesson on the way to adulthood that I try and teach our teenage daughter
I think if your daughter understands and incorporates that lesson she will be much better because of it.
It’s not an easy lesson and something that I have to continue to learn.
Peace of mind and contentment are huge. Enormous and invaluable.
So true – worthy aspirations.
I think it’s important for our kids to see us living ordinary lives in extraordinary ways. Not everyone can be Batman!
I think we need to be who God calls us to be, and do the best we can with that.
Amen. We are in agreement.
However, I do like Batman.