Grab your ticket and your suitcase
Thunder’s rolling down this track
Well you don’t know where you’re goin’ now
But you know you won’t be back
Well darlin’ if you’re weary
Lay your head upon my chest
We’ll take what we can carry
Ya, and we’ll leave behind the rest
Well, big wheels rolling through fields
Where sunlight streams
Meet me in a land of hope and dreams
Well I will provide for you
Ya and I’ll stand by your side
You’ll need a good companion now
For this part of your ride
Ya leave behind your sorrows
Ya this day at last
Well tomorrow there’ll be sunshine
And all this darkness past
Well, big wheels rolling through fields
Where sunlight streams
Oh meet me in a land of hope and dreams
Well this train
Carries saints and sinners
This train
Carries losers and winners
This train
Carries whores and gamblers
This train
Carries lost souls

Bruce amongst his fans.
Courtesy of
Bruce’s first album, Greetings From Asbury Park, came out 40 years ago. He often speaks of his career and his music as if on a journey. The fans are on board this mythical journey and as you can see all are welcome on the trail.
Sunday, July 14th – yes I know it’s Bastille Day – marked the second anniversary of MeMyselfandKids. Like my musical hero, Bruce Springsteen, I’d like to think of my blog as a perpetual work in progress. It moves forward as my family and I grow, as new experiences are experienced, and new thoughts are thought.
So, let me reintroduce yourself. I am your conductor and I welcome you – all of you – on this journey.
Before we move forward, I would like to take a look back.
I was sitting alone in my kitchen sweating. I proof-read my first post for what may have been the 8th time. I was sure a typo would ruin everything and convince everyone I could not write (still hate typos and grammatical errors, I now realize they are not the end of the world.) My first post was not the typical here I am, this is why I am writing sort of thing. Instead the post ( was about the big news of the day in New York City – the murder of a young boy. It disturbed me greatly and I wanted to share my thoughts on the incident.
As I mentioned in a recent post (, I was what one might describe as a poor blogger for months. Yes, I posted regularly. However, I made no efforts to read other people’s work. I also got few if any likes and comments. I was dejected.
What was the point of struggling to keep a blog? Writing for the sake of writing was no longer enough. I wanted readers and feedback and exchange.
After getting and acting upon some advice (thanks JG), I embarked upon a growth initiative (sounds like an institution trying to raise funds/publicity/membership). The blog grew, feedback arrived, and blogging became fun.

Courtesy of
Another turning point for MMK occurred last Summer. Last Summer I had my first guest posts (Nancy from Life Takes Over Nate from INSANITY OF MOTHERHOOD and Mary from ateachablemom). Having guests was a great experience! My guests inspired me and made the blogging world seem more vibrant. These were not people who existed a couple of times a week in 500 word chunks. They were people with worries and joys similar to mine.
I have gone on to have many guests and hope to have many more. I am happy to say that a number of my guests have become email pals.
I’d like to end with a quote from Nancy over at Shoes On The Wrong Feet. Her blog also just turned two. “It is interesting to see the blogs that come and go in my little circle. I often wonder about the ones who were so active, and I felt such a connection with that abruptly stopped blogging or the ones that faded off over time.”
As I strive to keep MMK vibrant, to make you laugh, think, grow and wonder, I hope that you will ride along with me (and invited your friends!). All aboard!
P.S. Do you have a favorite post? I would love to hear about it from all of you – including the lurkers.
Congratulations! Happy second anniversary! I still love the shower phobia post – it’s the first one that came to mind when you were talking about old posts! So happy to have found you and your blog! Well, actually, I’m happy you found mine! 🙂
Ahh, morning shower phobia. I remember it well. We actually got the shower head fixed. It wasn’t even expensive. Now, a whole new world has opened up. However, I am still pretty much night time shower guy.
I am glad I found your blog too!
Happy blogaversary to you Larry!
I am really enjoying your blog. Keep it up!
Thanks T.
So, do you have a favorite?
Ha! I am so where you were two years ago!!! It was a reassuring post though.
Stop over thinking and press publish. Feel free to ask more questions.
Do you have a favorite post?
DO I have a favorite post? This one took some thinking. I decided that I don’t have one particular favorite post, but I do have favorite categories. I love when you talk about your Jewish faith and what you are learning and applying. Those are (not surprisingly) my faves.
But I also love to hear what your boys are up to, and Mrs. Larry, of course. I like to hear about your teaching and your students. Keep up the good work!
Happy Anniversary!
P.S. I have been to Asbury Park, and I was. not. impressed. 🙂
Well, that narrows it down. Thanks Jess.
I have only been to Asbury Park once. I am neither a fan nor critic of the locale. It had a rough time but I think it is going through a bit of a renaissance. It’s the music that I am talking about.
Happy Blogaversary! I think I started reading your blog right around the time you posted Nate and Mary’s guest posts. So glad that I came across your blog, as I not only enjoy reading your posts, but Nate and Mary’s as well. 🙂
Thanks Laura. I am glad that you have been on the journey for the past year. You mention two good bloggers.
Also, it’s really hard to choose a favorite, but I recall the one about the boys not being able to aim for the toilet… For some reason that one is coming to mind, so it must mean it was a favorite of mine. 🙂
That was one of the most commented on posts. You are one of the many gross out followers. Cool!
Happy blogging anniversary, Larry!! I’m pleased to know you!!
And: I do grab my ticket – and taking off… flying home for three weeks tomorrow. 🙂
Thank you and I feel the same.
Enjoy the long and I am sure deserved vacation (home).
So, do you have a favorite post?
YAY! 🙂 Congratulations and Happy BlogAnniversary! 🙂 YAY! 2 years already 🙂 you are doing a great job Larry and I really enjoy reading your blog, you are a great storyteller 🙂
one of my favourite posts was the one of the moon back in November, your kids weren’t impressed by it and don’t know why I found it funny but also interesting on how everyone is so different 🙂 & the really funny one was the one when I just started following your blog and left you a comment about you being a ‘mother’ ha!ha! I will never forget that one, I couldn’t believe I wrote that! ah! 🙂
again Congratulations on your 2 year bloganniversary Larry! 🙂
Thanks for the wishes and sentiment.
I like the moon one was as well. I think it was a bit romantic – my wife and I had the moon.
I am not 100% sure which one you about me being a mother. I am curious though.
🙂 I think it was back in Oct or Nov not too sure anymore! 🙂
Did you do say something about mothers assuming I was a mom? That sounds familiar.
🙂 yes! but too bad, I can’t remember the exact month you wrote the post
I don’t know that I want to recall that moment.
🙂 ha!ha! maybe not!
Two years! Wow,congratulations. I don’t know what my favourite post is, but I love the ones where you talk about your boys saying/doing funny things, I also enjoy reading about religion. But what I enjoy most, which I guess is not limited to your blog (although it does seem to happen a lot when I read yours) is when you write about something you do that is perhaps unusual and I think: hey, I do that too 🙂
I think relating other’s situations is powerful for me too. It makes the world a little smaller and less lonely. It also is funnier when it happens to someone else.
Happy 2nd anniversary Larry! I’m happy to be taking this journey with you! I do think that only people who blog understand the emotional toil and the amount of work it takes to upkeep a blog! My mom gets worried when I don’t blog for a few days and I try to explain that it is a lot of work and I am behind on reading other people’s blogs. As for my favorite post of yours I can’t exactly pinpoint an exact one; mainly because it’s early and I have only had one cup of coffee. However I really liked the one about you as a kid fishing. What was the name of that one? Also, I liked the one you did about the Macy’s parade. I really liked a lot of them!
Thanks Melissa.
I agree that blogging does take a toll if you take it seriously that is, and I know that you do.
The fishing post ( was my way of saying I am taking a break. Interesting choice. My aunt (her husband is the Lou noted) liked that on as well.
I just went and reread that one! I didn’t remember that it was about you taking a break. I think the reason it stuck with me was due to the fact that I love childhood memories and how they shape us. I am intrigued by what and why we remember certain things as kids. Remember I’m all nostalgic and stuff!
I generally don’t think to write about childhood memories. Maybe, it is a topic to explore further as I also like to read these type of posts.
Nostalgic and stuff – I got it.
Congratulations! Hope you have many years to come.
As I type this Mr Springsteen is playing just 24 miles from my house. Coincidence?!
Are you going to the concert? I hope you have the pleasure. It will be great. I am sure of that.
Happy 2nd anniversary! Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? Sorry I haven’t been around much. Summer, you know. I’ve got a lot of reading to catch up on! LOL! Here’s to many more years of MMK!
Thanks Nancy on all fronts.
Hope the busy summer has been a good summer.
Larry. This was a really good post. I did see a typo though….just kidding. 🙂 (that was mean, sorry. You’re smiling now, good.) I’m so gald your blog is doing well and is healthy. You add value to our blogging community.
I am not 100% sure it’s doing well. I guess it depends on how you define that.
Thanks for the comment – well not the part about the typo – and for the compliment.
Happy Anniversary!! I’m so glad you stumbled upon the Madhouse all those months ago and started engaging with me. I love MMK and am so grateful to count you as one of my blogging friends. Here’s to many more posts to come 🙂
Thanks so much for your kind words.
I feel the same about our blogging friendship.
Congratulations on two years of blogging. You and I started our blogs just about the time and for me it has flown by so fast! I don’t know about you, but I find myself “thumbing through” some of my own blog posts and getting all nostalgic over some of the memories.
As for my favorite post of yours, it is hard to say. I do like the one about the Fabulous Baking Bernstein Boys. I loved the humor and the personality that came out so clearly in the writing and the pictures.
That was a popular post. To be honest, I liked it too. Though, I like most of my posts. Does that sound conceited? Do you feel the same about what you write?
Congratulations, Larry! You’ve created an awesome blog. It’s always thought provoking. Well done!
Thanks so much Peggi. That’s such a nice compliment.
Have a great weekend.
Well happy anniversary, Larry. I enjoy your blog very much.
Thanks on both accounts.
Do you have a favorite post?
The one that comes to mind is the one about cleaning out your inbox. It was funny and just a little cheeky.
When I hear the word cheeky, I think of Thomas the Tank Engine. Am I a parent or what?
I think that you do a GREAT job. It amazes me with the topics you write about!
Thanks. It’s not always easy coming up with topics.