Delta Copilots Take Me to Disney World

New Delta Copilots

New Delta Copilots

The MMK family was on vacation last week in Disney World.  Upon boarding the Delta plane to the mouse’s house, Ms. MMK mentioned to the Delta pilots that the children had never flown before.

Without hesitation, the Delta pilots offered the boys a chance to go into the cockpit. SJ readily accepted this generous offer. BR was excited but concerned. He was worried he was going to hit a button and the plane would take off.  The pilots smiled and assured him that it would not be a problem.

Nice guys those Delta pilots.

And the Delta pilots were right.  Our flight to Disney World was just fine! But it was not thanks to my sons, the copilots. That’s okay. The only job the boys had last week was to have fun.

Frontierland in Disney's Magic Kingdom

BR & SJ sauntering along Tom Sawyer Island on Frontierland in Disney’s Magic Kingdom



11 thoughts on “Delta Copilots Take Me to Disney World

  1. Rock on! I love when kids get to be indulged like that – what a great way to start your vacation! I hope the rest was just as special!

  2. Great picture of the boys as the pilots. Mine hasn’t been in a plane yet. Hr doesn’t want to go to Didneyland yet, surprising but he doesn’t think he is ready for the lines and the crowds,
    Not sure that I am either 🙂

  3. I am so glad that you guys had such a great time. Nice to see the boys have a great time. Although not as much fun as I had taking in your mail WOOHOO! Let the good times roll!!

  4. Nice vacation!! I hope you and the fam had a great time. And so cool that the boys got to see the cockpit. That will be a great memory for them.

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