I believe we all are endowed with certain gifts. Some of us are able to manifest those gifts and achieve greatness. There are also some who utilize those gifts but to means that are not quite so meaningful.
I heard the Adele song, Someone Like You, a couple of times today as I was driving clicking from radio station to radio station in search of entertainment. I’ve heard the song many times at this point but always settle on it when I hear it playing. It’s brilliant! I don’t love the lyrics though I do like them. However, that voice – wow, that voice! The first time I heard the song, I turned my radio up and turned my face askance and said aloud, “Who is this?” The next time I heard the song I tried to remember the lyrics, so I could look up who wrote it. The next time I heard it, I literally scrounged around the car for paper and wrote down some of the lyrics, so I could confirm who it was with that voice. Listening to that song makes me believe that Adele’s voice is an instrument, and she can do what ever she chooses to do with it.
I’ve written a number of times about my passion for sports. While I root wholeheartedly for my Philadelphia teams, I greatly enjoy seeing a gifted athlete ply his trade. Last week, while watching the Eagles – Cowboys game, I was left shaking my head. I saw Eagles running back, LeSean McCoy, make moves that were crazy. The level of body control and vision that were required to move as he did was amazing.
This afternoon my mom, who has been visiting with my family and I for a few days, was scheduled to take a 1:45 train. This morning was my younger son’s birthday party. After the party, I needed to go food shopping. Now, my mother is a bit of a nervous person and would be happy to wait at the train station for an extended period of time if the trade-off is cutting it close. So, when it came time to go food shopping – the pressure was on. I felt a sense of urgency. Well, it took me just 20 minutes from the time I got into the store till I was in line waiting to checkout. Remember, this is a weekly trip for a family of 4. Anyway, I smashed my record by a good 10 plus minutes. I got home, put the packages away, washed up, etc., and had plenty of time to get my ever nervous mother to the station 10 minutes before the train was scheduled to arrive. This today was my contribution to greatness. I hope some day to have other such elevated moments. I also hope that the next time it will be duly noted on a wide scale level. However, if this sonic like shopping trip should be my sole brush with greatness, I think I will be okay.
Do you buy fruits and vegetables in the supermarket? Because if you do there is no way you could shop so fast!
I told you – it’s a gift. I do buy fruits and vegetable but much of it is packaged. I do a minimal amount of inspecting.