Respecting the Other: I Don’t Think You’re an Idiot

Respect the OtherI have strong opinions about the presidential candidates. There are a couple that I particularly like and a couple who I strongly disapprove of.

This blog is entitled Me Myself and Kids. I take that moniker seriously. Those of you who are regular visitors know, I rarely venture outside of the mission I’ve set for myself. People who come to a blog with the title Me Myself and Kids have a right to expect parenting and family related material. Though I often talk about myself with little mention of the children, I imagine the topics could be on the minds of other parents.

Throat cleared.

Thanks for reading this far. This post will be outside of my normal purview. I hope you’ll choose to read on.

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Everyone Had The Fever

My Powerball Ticket - I had the fever too!Over the course of this past week, wherever I went, the people I spoke to had one thing on their mind. It was on Facebook pages and trending on Twitter.  The subject: Powerball! Everyone had Powerball fever.

The rising payout which ultimately reached the enormous sum of 1.6 billion dollars captured everyone’s imagination. It was a beast that fed off of desire and possibility.

Were you feeling Powerball fever?

Either way, you surely heard people talking about what they would do if they won. You heard talk of what people would buy – vacations and cars and houses – oh my. You heard talk of early retirement – no matter what job someone had or how happy or unhappy they had been in it the same job the week before. Yes, Powerball dreams fueled an orgasm of purchase and possibility. The potential was endless.

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Refrigerator Temperature: The Silent Argument

No silent argument here.

Ms. MMK and I during happy times.

Arguments are loud. Arguments are ugly. Arguments are aggressive.

So, does an argument truly exist if it is silent and neither side acknowledges it?

Two words: HELL YES!!

I know of what I speak. Ms. MMK and I have had a number of silent arguments over the years.  By the way, we have had plenty of the loud and ugly arguments too. No need to talk about those. Unpleasant memories that they are.

Anyway, Ms. MMK and I are nearing the end of our most recent silent argument. The issue: at what temperature to set the refrigerator.

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NASA Says Were on the Verge of Discovering Alien Life and This is What I Want From Them

Alien Life is COmingSo, an article that appeared on Mashable which was originally on said we’re about to discover alien life. Now to Ellen Stofan, NASA’s chief scientist, about means 10 years till scientists have strong indications of alien life and 20-30 years till we get definitive evidence.

But I’m ready now.

Seriously, I think the discovery of alien life sounds cool. But I wander what kind of alien life NASA is talking about.

Do they mean plants? Sure plant store owners would be thrilled. It would be another item whose price could be jacked up around Mother’s Day.  Botanists would also have a field day.

Me – not so excited. Complete sleeper.

But what if they really mean life?  What kind of aliens would we get?

Funny Alien Life

Maybe, the alien life will be funny. The aliens could crack jokes, talk rapid fire, and utilize excessive energy. They could be just like Mork from Ork. After all, who doesn’t miss Robin Williams? They could have their own cable channel – Alien Comedy Channel. They’d occasionally break into their own language which we would find amusing. I’d watch. Wouldn’t you? We always could use more laughs. By the way, what’s the last funny movie you saw? I can’t remember seeing a funny movie in a while.  Any recommendations? Anyone? Well, maybe I just have to wait for the aliens. Nanoo Nanoo.

Friendly Alien Life

Possibly the alien life will be friendly ala E.T.. They’ll all have glowing red hearts and talk in a voice made horse from smoking like a billion cigarettes. They can serve as babysitters for overtaxed parents and befriend shy, quiet kids. The alien life could make bikes fly and create other fun new transportation modes. Environmentalists would love it. Even better, this new alien life will introduce new kinds of chocolate bars. Hey if Hollywood and E.T. could inspire Reese’s Pieces, you never know what the real thing could do. I’m crazy for all things chocolate. I’m loving me this new alien life.

Mean Alien Life

Perhaps, the alien life will come to Earth and pretend to be nice but are actually mean. Maybe, they’ll come here to try and steal our resources. Or even worse, they’ll try to take over our world. Remember the mini-series V.? I loved V, but it freaked me out a bit too (not as much as the –nuclear war television movie, The Day After). The aliens looked like regular people, but their faces came off, and they looked like these vicious reptiles. That was one freaky switch. It’s like children whose electronics have lost power or the opposite of caffeine addicted people in the morning pre-coffee. Scary stuff!

Whatever type of alien life we get, at least it will change the news up. I’m tired of the news. It’s so damn depressing.  In fact, maybe the aliens could take over negotiations with Iran. The deal couldn’t get much worse.  Even better, maybe the alien life could remind us here on Earth to see each other as fellow human beings who deserve respect and not judgement. It doesn’t matter what religion, race, nationality, class, gender etc. one is. Maybe, the aliens could remind us we’re not so different from each other.

Just in case, alien could offer us up some other options. Well, I wouldn’t mind space travel, even greater advances in technology, and higher brain functioning. And let’s not forget that chocolate.

Yes, I’m ready for Alien Life.

What about you? What do you want from the aliens?