It’s a summer Friday and therefore I have another guest. Today I am hosting Ingrid from Now at Home Mom. I’ve gotten to know Ingrid through her blog. Her blog focuses on her DIY projects. While I appreciate her creativity, I enjoy the blog for its pictures and the stories that seep in about her family. Ingrid is one creative lady.
Ingrid along with her husband and two-year-old son, Nate, live in Quebec. She is a stay-at-home mother. After completing her studies in computer science, she worked as a Business Analyst for several years. However, she is a home decorator at heart. If you follow Ingrid’s blog you will see that she loves DIY projects and baking desserts along with her son and hubby. You also might have noticed that her blog while very different from mine shares something in common, our posts are very much influenced by our kids and our daily activities.
So, make sure to check out Now at Home Mom.
Looking back at the pictures of my previous posts, you would assume that being a mother and a blogger fit together seamlessly. Well, let me tell you that pictures can be deceiving.
To get that one good shot to use for my post, I typically take hundreds of pictures. Needless to say, Nate always manages to get into the shot. It’s like a “Where’s Waldo” book. Just try to find his little chubby hand somewhere in my pictures.
At first, I used to find blogging and working on projects while parenting very difficult. I would get stressed when Nate was around while I was trying to complete a project. All he wanted was for me to play with him or hold him.
I wanted my fellow bloggers to like what I was doing, and I wanted to have posts ready for specific days like other bloggers that I admire do. I often wondered how come their kids don’t get in the way of their blogging?
Was I a bad blogger or worse yet, a bad mother?
I have since learned that it doesn’t matter if I don’t get that perfect picture or the post is not on schedule. My son has taught me through his actions that he is my priority.
Including him in my projects instead of asking myself how to work around him has been more fruitful and satisfying for me. Most of all, it’s more honest.
Including him in my blog activities, has actually given me more time to work on projects. It’s an activity that I now share with my son.
It has broadened his knowledge on painting and manipulating objects. He seems to have taken a liking to painting and he’s also learning by mimicking me. Based on the comments I receive, I see that this has personalized my blog and my readers have embraced him.
I cherish the time I spend with him and the little things we do together. In a couple of years, when spending time with me becomes his least favorite activity, I know I will miss these special moments with him but I will always be able to look back at these pictures and reminisce.
He is absolutely adorable. So precious.
Yes, Nate is a cute kid.
I would love to take more pictures – any pictures -if I could just pry my phone away from my kids long enough.
I hear you.
Thank you so much Larry for allowing me to take some ‘blog space’ over here today and share this with your readers 🙂
I am so glad you agreed to be my guest.
I think I should thank Nate too – a cute kid and the star of your post.
ha!ha! I will make sure to thank him!
A star is born.
Great guest post! I love to hear of how people find balance in their life and it is even better when the kids get to help! Looks like fun!
I know there are times when I am blogging and I feel guilty that I should instead be spending the time with my boys.
Cute kiddo. Yes, blogging and parenting is definitely a challenge and takes some getting used to. I used to feel the same when I first started. But it’s true you have to realize that the kid is the priority, not the blog. And rinse. And repeat. 😉
Thank you very much Janice, I’m very glad to read that other parents have gone through the same thing but we all know that our priority #1 is them! 🙂
I just love those photos – he’s an adorable and beautiful child. I’m glad you decided to worry less about the fancy photos on the blog and just let him be in them. That makes it kind of fun, don’t you think?? Lovely post!
thank you so much Kelli 🙂 you are always so kind and yes, I agree with you, letting him be part of the projects and picture is better and I love looking back at them! 🙂
I know exactly what you mean Ingrid! My kids do pretty much everything with me. With 3 of them it gets pretty chaotic and things don’t get done exactly right but at this point I’m just too tired to care. As long as no one is getting injured in the process of creating, cooking or baking something….we are good! Nate is definitely a cutie and I love seeing him in your blog!
ha!ha! I have only 1 baby, imagine 3 of them, you are doing a great job with your little ones Melissa. I love what you write about your family and the projects you do for them/with them 🙂 & like you said/wrote the important thing is that they don’t get hurt, everything else doesn’t matter! 🙂
He’s just beautiful. A great addition to any picture, I’d say!
Thank you very much 🙂 I used to ‘delete’ the pictures of him getting in front of the camera until I realized I couldn’t avoid it and now I’m happy to keep them 🙂
What a delightful “down to earth” article. Little Nate will benefit greatly from having a “Mummy Blogger” Not only does he have Mum home but he also is learning that Mummy does other things that are important but that he comes first.
My own son has grown up with my web page and is a source of unending inspiration and a fair and serious critic. What a thrill when the little man says “that’s awesome Mummy!”
Thank you so much! I really hope he won’t mind having a ‘blogger-parent’ and that he will think It’s awesome just as yours does about you! 🙂 thanks again for your sweet words 🙂