A tradition has been born. On Friday, SJ and I will partake in the 2nd PBF. You don’t know PBF – admit it. No surprise. I made it up. Hmm, maybe I need to get a patent because this is going to big.
Anyway, PBF stand for Pizza for Breakfast on Friday. I know – sounds great. By the way, I would like to clarify pizza is not the breakfast of choice for hung over college students only. No, we here in the MMK household proclaim pizza for breakfast the domain of all.
It is for all too, like everyone.
Pizza By the Numbers
Check out these numbers. According to The Pizza Joint, Americans eat approximately 100 acres of pizza each day, or 350 slices per second. Holy Heck Batman, how do you spell D-O-M-I-N-O-S? There are plenty of options too. According to American Business Lists, there are 61,269 pizzerias in the United States. (Am I the only one who just said the word pizza in his/her mind like Homer Simpson says donuts?)
Talk about options! Thick crust or thin crust, circle or round, spicy or mild, cheesy or saucy. The choices are endless. But, is it really so difficult?
Everyone has their favorite pizza place and style. Personally, I prefer thick crust, circular, and spicy. I like cheesy and saucy – I’m good like that. Now, if you can’t figure out your favorite kind of pizza, you can just keep eating till you do.
History of Pizza
By the way, this tradition that SJ and I have created could go back centuries to prehistoric times because that’s when pizza was first made. It began as bread that was cooked on flat, hot stones. As we all know, pizza is Italian food. According to The Pizza Joint, “[Italian] Housewives would pound out dough into a thin crust and place leftovers on to bake. Pizza was a peasant food designed to be eaten without utensils and, like the French crepe and the Mexican taco, was a way to matke use of fresh produce available locally and to get rid of leftovers.”
By the way, utensils for pizza are still a no, no. I question any person who eats pizza with a fork and knife. So gauche. Eating pizza with your hands is part of the fun.
Smithsonian reports that in 1830 pizza truly began with the opening of the world’s first pizzeria, which was called Port’Alba. The first licensed pizzeria in America,Pizzeria Napoletana, opened in 1905 in downtown Manhattan.
Enjoy Tradition, Enjoy PBF
All SJ knows is that he loves pizza and so does his dad. We both know that leftover pizza – a rarity in any home – should be celebrated. Hence PBF.
So, I invite you to put down your bagel, move the cereal over, and put the pop tart back in the cellophane. Grab a slice of pizza, and celebrate PBF, a tradition for all to love.
I like a good leftover hamburger for breakfast, myself. 🙂
Interesting. I also happen to like spaghetti.
Truth be told – I love pizza and any excuse to eat it is good news to me.
Sounds like a fun tradition to start. I know my hubs and teen sons would agree!
It’s interesting that in France they don’t cut the pizza. They serve you an individual sized pizza (which is still pretty big), and you cut it with a knife and fork and never use your fingers. When we were in Paris last spring, we didn’t want to look like typical tourists, so we did the knife and fork thing. Pretty awkward. I just wanted to pick it up and eat it!
Are you saying it’s just a guy thing? I don’t think so. Open to all.
You should have picked it up and eat it – darn the French!
OMG… I hardly ever eat breakfast… and the thought of pizza for breakfast makes my stomach turn. But I heard men have funny ideas (and strong stomachs) LOL
Don’t you remember you were told as a child that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Now, make sure to eat your breakfast even if it’s not pizza.
Nothing beats cold pizza for breakfast! My mom is not a breakfast food fan, so we grew up eating left over pizza… and well, hot dogs, for breakfast! To this day, if she has a busy day, she prefers to start the day with a hot dog, or a corn dog 🙂 Enjoy your PBF!
Hot Dog – hmmm. Ehh, why not?
Anyway, glad you are in the club.
I am a part of the pizza for breakfast movement so I will gladly support your tradition.
Thank you for your support. Enjoy those breakfasts!
Haha. I like your line, “leftover pizza – a rarity in any home”. We hardly every have leftover pizza.
We like medium crust, tons of sauce, and tons of cheese. A drop of spice, but not too much.
But cold pizza – this I do not like.