There is an old wives tale that certain topics should not be brought up in public. After all, people may disagree with each other which can cause problems and therefore, it is better to keep your opinions to yourself. I don’t abide by this. What’s wrong with a good debate? I believe disagreement is healthy and is vital to growth. Appreciate different opinions. However, while all topics are on the table, it is wise to think before you speak. By the way, before asking when you are due, make absolute certain, she isn’t just big.
“What’s the point, where you going with this,” you may be wondering. Well, I want to talk about politics which is one of those topics that some say should be off the table. The Republican primaries start this week. As a self-proclaimed political junkie whose favorite shows includes the West Wing, I am excited for the nominating process to begin. By the way, did you know 5 candidates have been at the top of national polls at one point? Anyway, I read articles both on-line and in print, listen to news talk radio, and watch analysis. Between my thirst for knowledge and primary talk which began the day after the November 2010 elections concluded, I know all about the candidates. I look forward to following the campaign and reading/listening/watching the results.
Despite my interest and knowledge in the national political scene, I have one question which I would like answered. Why Iowa? Now, I have no problem with Iowa. I love corn and Field of Dreams. But come on now, why should Iowa have so much power in the nominating process? Yes, I know there is always extra focus on the first in something. Yet, Iowa has too much power. Candidates drop out of the race if they don’t do well in the state while others are elevated if they do better than anticipated. All of this say so and they don’t even have a primary – they have a caucus. I’ve read about the caucuses before but still don’t quite understand it other than it being multiple large parlor meetings that take place in the evening. That sounds more 1812 than 2012. Then there is the fact that approximately 120,000 votes were cast in the Republican Caucus in 2008. In a nation of over 300 million with over 100 million eligible to vote, why should 114,000 have so much meaning?
Well, what can you do? We get to vote and have a say so in our government. That’s pretty cool. So, let’s go Iowa and may the best candidate win.