Let me tell you what I do and what you do when the phone rings.
I reach for the phone – usually. I look at the number and then scan my memory if I know to whom the number belongs. If I come to the conclusion that I do not know to whom the number belongs, I let the machine take that one. The answering machine is very popular in my house. It gets lots of calls.
Anyway, the onslaught of charity calls is much. There are so many worthy causes. This is especially true these days when many people are out of work and therefore struggling financially. I do indeed tithe and do my best to give to worthy charities but am unable to give to all who are in need. Ultimately, I have to decide to whom to give and whom to leave out. I am sure everyone knows my dilemma.
This coming week my family and I are participating in a walk to raise money for the Lustgarten Foundation. The Lustgarten Founation is a large financial supported of Pancreatic Cancer research. We do this as a way to honor my mother-in-law who succumbed to pancreatic cancer a few years ago. My own grandmother also had pancreatic cancer. Unfortunately, many of you may also know someone who has or is suffering from this terrible disease.
I have included a link here (http://2012ParamusWalk.kintera.org/grandmasylviesteam) to our team which again is walking in honor of my mother in law. If you have the inclination and the financial wherewithal to make a donation, I would appreciate it. It is a worthy organization.
Thanks for your consideration and be healthy.
You betcha. It used to be we only let it go to the answering machine at dinnertime, but it’s become such a great family saver for lots of other times, we use it often. I’m surprised at how many info calls that come in.
Too many right. The mass majority are not necessary.
Thanks for your reply.
Thank you for sharing this. Although I am reading it late due to being behind in my blog reading, I appreciate you standing up for this worthy cause. I tithe also and give as often as I can because change begins with one person and that one person is me.
Have a great weekend.
I really think it is worthwhile as are many causes. I actually blogged about it last year.
The kids walk as well and I want them to learn about caring and helping others.