Sometimes things touch us, move us, affect us.
The Nick and Zack Song by my fellow Dad Blogger, Bill, did this for me. Bill and I belong to the same Dad Bloggers Facebook Group. Everyone in our group knows him as the wise and sensitive sage and the best compliment giver.
Anyway, I’ve been reading his blog, I Hope I Win a Toaster, for some time now. I quickly learned that Bill is a loving father and a sensitive soul.
Besides blogging, Bill is a Stay-at-home-Dad, husband, guitar player, trained actor, and reader of books on spirituality. Bill prides himself on being a “meat whisperer” meaning that he can take any meat and any source of heat and make it good. He swears it’s a gift, God-given and very handy.
Prior to becoming a Stay-at-home-Dad to his twin 9-year old boys, Bill spent nearly thirty five years in the restaurant business. He says it prepared him for life as a Stay-at-home-Dad. Besides the food prep and safety and all the obvious stuff, he learned about prioritizing and triage.
Check out Bill’s post below for the back story about the song and then make sure to give the Nick and Zack song a listen. I promise it will make you smile. Once again, you can check out his blog here: Bill’s Blog.
When our twin sons were born in the Spring of 2005, I was 44 years old. Six weeks later my wife, a youth minister at the time, went back to work, and I stayed at home to look after the boys. I hadn’t had much experience with newborns – as in, I think I’d held one once. But, I didn’t have much time to learn things.
I think you can guess what happened: I fell in love with them. So, what does a guy raised up in the sixties and seventies do when he is in love? Right, I wrote a song about it. I had penned dozens of love songs up to that point but never for a couple of infants.
Listen, when a guy writes a love song for a girl he is doing it for a reason… I’ll leave it at that. In fact, I wrote a song for my wife asking her to marry me. It worked. I didn’t know the reason I was writing this song. That came much later. One summer my family and I were camping. I was playing a few tunes around a fire, and I asked Nick what he’d like to hear.
“How about that song you wrote for us?”
“Yeah,” Zack chimed in, “I love that song.”
And, we all sang it together
I love this song too, and, it seems to have done what I had hoped – it cherishes them. And, they understand that.
A while back I began to worry that there wasn’t a recording of it, so, I sat down in front of the computer, faced the camera, and sang it for them. I’m glad I did.
Your first sentence moved me – because I moved you. It is such an honor and a joy to impact, and be impacted by, others, emotionally, you know. I appreciate you taking the time to champion my song, I’m glad you did. I’m glad you did not because I want more people to see it or some vague thoughts of traffic. No. Honestly, I hadn’t thought of it in a while, hadn’t remembered why and for whom and towards what I wrote it. When you mentioned this and I looked back, I was flooded with rich memories of those babies I was falling in love with.
Thank you.
So glad you could relive those memories. Thanks again for sharing the story with me on my site.
One of the great things about writing is the chance to impact others. It’s a big reason why I struggle with this frustrating task.
Now that’s a true love song! What a great post and a talented dad!
I’m so glad you liked it too.
Awesome song and beautiful tribute. Well done to Bill and Larry.
Yes, Bill did something really great with that song.
I adore seeing parents engaged with their children. It’s such a sweet song. I’m glad your boys cherish it. This morning I sang a song to my son that his father had made up for him when he was a baby. He’s not impressed at the moment, but I know some day he will see the intense love that my husband has for him.
Very nice.
You had me at “meat whisperer.” Hilarious!
And it’s very sweet that he would write a song–what a good dad.
Isn’t it?
Yeah, I’m guess he is pretty awesome at the dad thing.