Five Reasons I’m Ready For an Assisted Living Facility

Assisted Living FacilityI’m in my mid-40’s. I’m reasonably healthy and mobile.

Despite this, I’m ready for assisted living. Here’s why.


It’s spring time. That means many different things to people.

For me, Spring means mowing the lawn. I hate mowing the lawn. My lawn is a mixture of brown and green. Short of G-d causing it to rain for 40 straight days and nights, my lawn will remain brown and green. Probably not worth the consequences.

The paint on the foundation of my house is chipping. It needs to be scraped off and repainted. Guess who’s going to do that? There goes a couple of Sundays. Who hoo – can’t wait.

And then there’s the assisted living facilities. Have you ever seen the brochures for those places? The lawns are the greenest of greens and makes you thank G-d, the world is in technicolor.

Then, there’s the foundation. Who notices the foundation on such a place? Not me. We’re good.

So assisted living will assist me with maintenance. Love it! Continue reading